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Comprehensive Plan

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Comprehensive Plan

The State of Florida requires every municipality to develop a Comprehensive Plan that includes an inventory of current conditions; identifies long-range needs and desired goals and policies by which to achieve these goals. It also provides principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the area that reflects community commitments to implement the plan and its elements.

Comprehensive Plan Elements - Goals, Objectives, and Policies


• Comprehensive Plan Cover Page

• Comprehensive Plan Table Of Contents
• Comprehensive Plan Definitions

• Future Land Use Element
• Housing Element
• Transportation Element
• Infrastructure Element
• Recreation and Open Space Element
• Conservation Element
• Coastal Management Element
• Intergovernmental Coordination Element
• Public School Facilities Element
• Capital Improvements Element

• Property Rights Element

Click here to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan update


    Planning & Zoning Staff

    Sonide Simon
    Principal Planner-Long Range
    (561) 845-4021

    Jordan McKenzie
    Principal Planner-Current Planning
    (561) 845-4061

    Simone M. Davidson, MPA

    (561) 845-4067


    Juan Suarez
    (561) 845-4186