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Get Involved

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Participate In Democracy

It is critical for residents to participate in the processes of governance at City Hall. Policies and decisions are made by city officials that affect nearly every aspect of a resident’s lives, so it is highly important to understand how government works, to get involved in government and to let your views be known. After all, government works for you!

Here are some ways you can become involved in your city government:
  • Vote for candidates running for political office and for or against issues that you feel strongly about. You must be 18 years old to register to vote.
  • Run for an elected office, such as Mayor or City Council. 
  • Attend and speak at a city public hearing, workshop or City Council meeting.
  • Write letters or call your city officials about issues that are important to you. 
  • Volunteer for a city advisory committee and/or board. These are usually created by the City Council to address particular issues, and the criteria for joining one of them is generally determined by ordinance or the City Charter. Some examples: the Planning and Zoning Board, Civil Service Boards and the Recreation Advisory Board. 
  • Serve as a volunteer in a city department such as Parks and Recreation.


Administration Contact

600 W. Blue Heron Boulevard,
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Office: (561) 845-4000

Council Agenda Briefs